
Ha finalizado un año para algun@s voluntari@s de Colectivo Gentes.
Hicimos a ell@s algunas preguntas.

Moris Valentini

All those who are now in their EVS project are interested in the question if there is a life after the EVS?
Yes, there is a life after E+, but return to the "normal life" is very difficult!
I really enjoy see my friends and my family, but I really spend a good time in Jaén, I have a lot of friends there, and I think about my E+ every day😀 I was thinking about the time that I spend in Jaén and how I can return in Spain in the future😀

Now you have friends all over the world. In which countries have you been invited?
It's very difficult remember every country, but I can try: France, Perù, Ukraine, Germany, Polonia, Portugal, Slovakia, Cecoslovacchia, Georgia.

Was it difficult to communicate in a foreign language when you came to the project?
I just had a good level of Spanish (and I come from Italy), so it was not so difficult.

What was your favorite thing you were doing during the project? (Except parties)
The formations whit the other volunteers that come from all over the world!!

Give please an advice to those who doubt whether to go to the project or not.
It's a great opportunity to grow up and spend a lot of funny moments!! Si tiene alguna pregunta, puede dejar en los comentarios.😉

Sharima Thamm

Is there a life after the EVS?
Well for me it was kind of difficult and I really did not desire a lot to see my family and friends but at the end it was easier to come back to Germany as I thought. As I began directly to study and work I found very fast new friends and managed good to get used to my new situation and life. Regarding to what I thought I was really sad to return and cried quite a lot missing my friends in Spain already. And yes I want to live in Spain one day without doubts!!!

During the project, you met a lot of people. Remember please one person, who influenced the most on your life?
I think one person that influenced my life there a lot was nearly the first person I met because I met all of my later real good friends because of him and also overthought my way of thinking in many things. Apart I was fallen in love with this person at the beginning so I also began to change thinking and acting about relationships with any kind of persons. Although in the end he left very soon Spain so his direct influence just ended kind of but indirect there was always an influence.

Now you have friends all over the world. In what countries have you been invited?
Well I am invited in Belgium, Italy, Spain of course, Marruecos, France, Georgia and I think that's it

Was it difficult to communicate in a foreign language?
Well I never had a lot problems with speaking a foreign language. But at the beginning the Andalusian accent was really hard to understand. I also notice that my own expression got much better.
What was your favorite thing you were doing during the project? (Except parties)
I learned to be much more patient than before and less overemotional. I am much more relaxed and really open-minded to everything. My way of thinking and acting in many different situations changed and improved a lot.

Give advice to those who doubt whether to go to the project or not.
I would recommend to every person to do a voluntary service because your own development is incredible. I became so much more independent and responsible during these months. You can learn and improve a foreign language and meet people from different countries with different cultures. Furthermore I think it is the most safe way to go abroad because everything is organized for you and paid. So my message for everyone: don't hesitate and get to know new cultures, languages and friends!

by Irina Vologdina.

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